Sunday, November 10, 2013

[PHP] - Download mutiple BLOB data and convert into file system

Last week I was struggled on how to convert data that stored on DB BLOB into the file system. There are more than 100 rows on that tables. Whoooaaaarrgghhhh!!. So how I’m gonna save it? The user needs those files in soft copy (I mean the file will be save in a thumbdrive). After few hours googling and read some forums, I came out with the solution that can be useful to others.

 * @author MJMZ
 * @copyright 2012
 * Description : This file will be used to convert all the BLOB
 * contents and save into the file system.
/* get document_id, document_name, folder_id, document_fileType, document_fileName */
$sql = 'SELECT document_id,
        FROM portal_document_upload';
$result = $db->query($sql);
$doc = array();
while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    $doc[] = array('docId' => $rows['document_id'],
                   'exacFilename' => $rows['document_fileName'],
                   'filename' => $rows['document_name'],
                   'filetype' => $rows['document_fileType']);
foreach($doc as $a => $key)
    // get the file extension : This code will only work only
    // if file got 1 extension. If the file got many extension
    // such as filename.tar.gz, this code will not work at all.
    // Try find another solution for that particular file.
    $fileXtension = pathinfo($key['exacFilename'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    // If we select the blob in the first query, it will
    // cause bad queries @ mysql log.
    // So we select the blob in foreach based on their document_id.
    $sql_file_contents = "SELECT document_fileData
                          FROM portal_document_upload
                          WHERE document_id ='".$key['docId']."'";
    $theFile = $db->query($sql_file_contents);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($theFile);
    // For precaution, we find the empty string @ filename
    // and replace them with _ (underscore) in order to avoid
    // the filename missing their extension.
    $rawFile = str_replace(" ","_", $key['filename']).".".$fileXtension;

    // the path for downloaded file.
    $path = "/home/httpd/files_convert/".$rawFile;
    if (file_put_contents($path, $row['document_fileData']) === FALSE ) {
        echo "Could not write PDF File";
    } else {
        file_put_contents($path, $row['document_fileData']);

Now go to the $path folder that you declared in above script. Select all files, right click and save to thumbdrive.

[Linux] - Automatically backup project and database @ Midnight using cron

Since the tragedy happened cause by someone, the entire server of our application "SRM" will not be recovered at all. This including the program’s source code and MySQL database. So we decided to do a daily backup of both the database and source code during 00:00:00 o’clock. This script will only work on linux server. You can use the same code. Just change certain variable value.

# Backup source code and MySQL DB
# softboxkid - 09 Mar 2012

# Please change the value of below variables:


DATE=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M`

echo "Backup in progress..."
echo "Start time". $(date +%k:%M:%S)

# Step 1: prepare to backup application source code begin here.
mkdir /backup/$FOLDER_NAME-$DATE
cp /your/source_code/path -r /backup/$FOLDER_NAME-$DATE

# Step 2: prepare to backup mysql database begin here.
echo "Start time". $(date +%k:%M:%S)
mysqldump -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS $DBNAME > /backup/$FOLDER_NAME-$DATE/$DBNAME.sql
echo "end time". $(date +%k:%M:%S)

# Step 3: prepare archive tar.gz for FOLDER_NAME
cd /backup

# Step 4: remove non-zip file/folder

echo "Your source code and MySQL has been backup $FOLDER_NAME-$DATE.tar.gz time finished time"
echo "end time". $(date +%k:%M:%S)

Save this code as “backup” and chmod this script to 755 and put it under /etc/cron.daily (make sure you have the root permission).
Now your daily backup will be stored in folder that you declared in step 1 of this script (in this example, it will put on folder /backup).