myFolder |_ text file one.txt |_ text file two.txt |_ text file three.txt
Type the command like below:
ls myFolder/* | sed 's/ /\\ /g'
myFolder/text\ file\ one.txt myFolder/text\ file\ two.txt myFolder/text\ file\ three.txt
myFolder |_ text file one.txt |_ text file two.txt |_ text file three.txt
ls myFolder/* | sed 's/ /\\ /g'
myFolder/text\ file\ one.txt myFolder/text\ file\ two.txt myFolder/text\ file\ three.txt
/** * @author MJMZ * @copyright 2012 * Description : This file will be used to convert all the BLOB * contents and save into the file system. * */ include("../../../lib/db_common.php"); /* get document_id, document_name, folder_id, document_fileType, document_fileName */ $sql = 'SELECT document_id, document_name, folder_id, document_fileType, document_fileName FROM portal_document_upload'; $result = $db->query($sql); $doc = array(); while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $doc[] = array('docId' => $rows['document_id'], 'exacFilename' => $rows['document_fileName'], 'filename' => $rows['document_name'], 'filetype' => $rows['document_fileType']); } foreach($doc as $a => $key) { // get the file extension : This code will only work only // if file got 1 extension. If the file got many extension // such as filename.tar.gz, this code will not work at all. // Try find another solution for that particular file. $fileXtension = pathinfo($key['exacFilename'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); // If we select the blob in the first query, it will // cause bad queries @ mysql log. // So we select the blob in foreach based on their document_id. $sql_file_contents = "SELECT document_fileData FROM portal_document_upload WHERE document_id ='".$key['docId']."'"; $theFile = $db->query($sql_file_contents); $row = mysql_fetch_array($theFile); // For precaution, we find the empty string @ filename // and replace them with _ (underscore) in order to avoid // the filename missing their extension. $rawFile = str_replace(" ","_", $key['filename']).".".$fileXtension; // the path for downloaded file. $path = "/home/httpd/files_convert/".$rawFile; if (file_put_contents($path, $row['document_fileData']) === FALSE ) { echo "Could not write PDF File"; } else { file_put_contents($path, $row['document_fileData']); } } ?>
################################################ # Backup source code and MySQL DB # softboxkid - 09 Mar 2012 ################################################ # Please change the value of below variables: # DO NOT CHANGE THE VARIABLE NAME. DBNAME=your_db_name DBPASS=your_db_password DBUSER=your_db_user FOLDER_NAME=the_folder_name_for_backup DATE=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M` echo "Backup in progress..." echo "Start time". $(date +%k:%M:%S) # Step 1: prepare to backup application source code begin here. mkdir /backup/$FOLDER_NAME-$DATE cp /your/source_code/path -r /backup/$FOLDER_NAME-$DATE # Step 2: prepare to backup mysql database begin here. echo "Start time". $(date +%k:%M:%S) mysqldump -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS $DBNAME > /backup/$FOLDER_NAME-$DATE/$DBNAME.sql echo "end time". $(date +%k:%M:%S) # Step 3: prepare archive tar.gz for FOLDER_NAME cd /backup tar -cvf $FOLDER_NAME-$DATE.tar $FOLDER_NAME-$DATE gzip $FOLDER_NAME-$DATE.tar # Step 4: remove non-zip file/folder rm -r $FOLDER_NAME-$DATE echo "Your source code and MySQL has been backup $FOLDER_NAME-$DATE.tar.gz time finished time" echo "end time". $(date +%k:%M:%S)
Enter password:
(enter the server's password) mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
(enter the mysql password) GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO your_mysql_user@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_mysql_password';
and your_mysql_password.
Now you can access the mysql server through remote connection.
export http_proxy=http://ip:port
function my_base64_encode($input) { return strtr(base64_encode($input), 'AEIOUj', '+-_,'); } function my_base64_decode($input){ return base64_decode(strtr($input, '+-_,', 'AEIOUj')); } $texttoencode = 'RAIHAN'; $b = my_base64_encode($texttoencode); // the value of $b now is UkFJS-F, $c = my_base64_decode($b); // the value of $c is RAIHAN
rsync -avz --exclude folder_video /source /your_destination_path
folder to your_destination_path
and exclude the folder_video
rsync -avz --exclude folder_video
--exclude folder_contents
/source /your_destination_path
folder to your_destination_path
and exclude the folder_video and folder_contents
rsync -avz --exclude folder_video
--exclude folder_contents
/file1.txt /source /your_destination_path
folder to your_destination_path
and exclude the folder_video and file1.txt